Sustainability/Green GMP
8./9. April 2025, Wiesbaden/Germany
This conference track will take a closer look at and discuss the possibilities of sustainability, environmental thinking and energy saving also under GMP conditions. The extent to which regulatory requirements, quality demands and modern sustainability requirements fit together will also be a topic of discussion. Case studies will be used to present practical implementations and highlight improvement measures.
In the past, compliance with quality requirements and safety aspects in the manufacture of drugs, active ingredients, etc. was often the primary focus. Environmental aspects, energy costs, water consumption and the like were usually not at the top of the priority list. This has changed in recent years - under the influence of climate change, rising energy prices, increased transport costs and scarcity of raw materials. Buzzwords like Sustainability or Green GMP are heard more and more often. On the one hand because of the increasing environmental problems and on the other hand because of the rapidly rising costs for energy, water and raw materials. The challenge is often how to combine the requirements of GMP and sustainability.
Target Audience
This conference track is aimed at all persons in the field of manufacturing, facility management, quality assurance and quality control who have to deal with the problems of suatainability aspects under the regulation of GMP.
Dr Johannes Reich, Microcoat

Detailed Programme
Tuesday, 8 April 2025
09.00 - 17.30 h
How can Sustainability be integrated into a pharmaceutical Quality Management System? ... or is it already included?
Dr Andrea Bauer, ABC&Q
- Definition of sustainability: not just "green"
- Are sustainability elements already included in GMP regulations / ICH Q10?
- How can existing structures and processes be used to promote sustainability?
Circular Economy Opportunities for the pharmaceutical Industry
Susana Lima Santos, BIAL
- Relevance of the Circular Economy in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- Strategies to extend the shelf life of pharmaceutical products
- Strategic partnerships and reverse logistics
- Efficient and clean use of energy in the production of medicines
The new F-Gas Regulation and its Impact on pharmaceutical Freeze-Drying
Thomas Beutler, GEA
- The new F-Gas Regulation in force since March 2024
- The changes and what to look out for when planning new freeze-drying lines.
- What risks are there for existing systems. Can the old HFC refrigerants still be refilled? What alternatives to HFCs are already available today?
The EU Green Deal – Supply Chain Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) and the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
Leonie Evans, Meisterernst Attorneys
- Core elements of Directive 2024/1760 (CS3D)
- Main differences to the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG)
- Practical experiences from Germany
- How to prepare best for CS3D
From Compliance to Sustainability: The Green GMP Journey
Ana Cláudia Pinho, BIAL
- Introduction to Green GMP and Sustainability
- Sustainability Expectations and Stakeholders
- Energy Efficiency
- Process Optimization
3R Initiative Within Roche’s Global QC Network
Dr. Sven M. Deutschmann, Roche
- Introduction
- In vivo-Assays in commercial QC
- 3R-Projects
Wednesday, 9 April 2025
09.00 - 18.00 h
Process Load Profiles as a Basis for a Cost Efficient and Sustainable Design of Utility Supply Systems
Bianca Bohrer, PSM Saar
Peter Gross, PGC
- High Level Equipment Operating Program in early project phases
- Demand Simulation: Process load profiles as a basis for cost efficient Utility network design
- Operating options for reducing energy consumption
- Supply Systems: Additional Constraints by Volatile Energy markets for an optimized Design of Central Units and Storage Tanks
- Calculation and Monitoring of Facility Benchmarks and KPIs like e.g. CO2/m²/year, kWh/m²/year, kWh per vial
Sustainability Strategy for successful Reduction of GHG-Emissions in a SME
Dr Marius Beyersdorff, Pekana
Gabriele Brutscher, Pekana
- Guiding principles and self-commitment
- CCF and reduction measures
- Achievements and perspectives
Cleanroom Garments and Recycling - State of the Art
Carsten Moschner, CMC3
- Cleanroom Garments made from recycled material - what is already available today
- First test results and wearing tests with cleanroom garments made of recycled material
- Recycling of worn cleanroom garments - the state of the art today and an outlook on future solutions
Quantifying the present and future environmental Sustainability of Cleanrooms
Justin Z. Lian, University of Leiden
- Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact of Cleanrooms
- Scenario Modeling for Future Cleanroom Sustainability
- Optimization Strategies for Cleanroom Energy Efficiency
- Development of the Cleanroom Carbon Emission Calculator
Sustainable Heat and Cooling Systems – the LUnA Projekt
Michael Eberhard, Abbvie
Thomas Frank, Refolution
- Sustainable research and laboratory building
- Combined cooling and heating with heat recovery
- Heat pump technology
- Regulation conformity – Energy efficiency and F-Gas regulation
Sustainable Refrigeration Technologies: Overview and Implementation of innovative Air-Cooling Technology for Freeze-Drying Processes
Fabian Plaum, Hof
Christian Sonntag, Roche
- Freeze-Drying Process Overview
- Regulatory Requirements (e.g. F-Gases Regulation, PFAS Regulation) and their effects to industry
- Sustainable Refrigeration Technologies for Freeze-Drying Process (liquid nitrogen, natural refrigerants, air as refrigerant)
- Implementation of cold air technology for Freeze-Dryers (Case Study by Roche Penzberg)
- Decision Criteria for the technology
Programme last upated: 6 February 2025